The Power Of Improv

The Power Of Improv

Written for Casting Networks News by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. For many years I went to improv shows to be entertained, laugh, and discover the work of clever, quick-thinking actors. I have always said, improv is important—it loosens you up, gets you ready to...
What Do Hamilton and Commercials Have In Common?

What Do Hamilton and Commercials Have In Common?

Written for Casting Networks News by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. “The Room Where It Happens.” Everyone wants to be in the room where it happens, and in the acting world, it’s the call back room—the room with the producers. [BURR AND COMPANY] The room where it...
The Most Powerful Weapon You Have Going For You

The Most Powerful Weapon You Have Going For You

Written for Casting Networks News by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. When I am a guest at an informational event for actors, the questions are inevitably geared towards all kinds of do’s-and-don’t’s regarding how talent can ultimately get auditions, excel in their...
7 Steps To Make A Difference In Your Career

7 Steps To Make A Difference In Your Career

Written for Casting Networks News by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. There are certain things I don’t write about because I think the information is too elementary, but throughout the year some recurring mistakes jolted me into thinking I should relay this information...