Commercial Acting5 Week Commercial Acting Workshop
Online – Via ZOOM
Price: $395
Dates: Tuesday evenings, April 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6.
Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm PST
Duration: 5 weeks
Location: Remote via Zoom
Special Events
Online – Via ZOOM
Dates: Stay tuned for next dates.
Location: Remote via Zoom
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“My experience taking Terry’s commercial class was life changing for my acting career. The way I broke down copy and delivered it to camera will be forever changed thanks for the training I received from Terry. I learned commercial pace, what works for me on camera and what doesn’t work for me, and also learned how to add my own unique style to all commercial copy. I am tremendously grateful for Terry because of her guidance and teachings.”
Terry Berland Casting is bonded with Sure Tec Insurance Company (#5090690) as required by California Labor Law. This is A class/workshop/showcase and is NOT a job interview or audition or representation opportunity WHATSOEVER. The presence of any teacher, casting director/associate, agent or manager is neither a guarantee nor a promise of employment or representation. It is 100% NOT an audition or employment/representation opportunity. The intent of the class/workshop/showcase is solely educational, a learning and networking experience. When the class/workshop/showcase is over, the teacher/casting director/casting associate/talent agent/talent manager (whichever is applicable) attending this workshop will NOT be taking home nor be given access to your headshot, resume, business card, DVD or any other of your promotional materials; instead, these materials will be used during the class/workshop/showcase ONLY, and will be returned to the actors at the conclusion of the class/workshop/showcase.