Written for The Networker by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. (Photo Credit: Shutterbug) The actor union SAG-AFTRA was started, and exists, to protect actors from being taken advantage of. Actors who have been in the union long term end up with a pension, are eligible...
Written for The Networker by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. I like reading blogs about the industry. I wish I had time to read them all. A blog that comes up on occasion, not written by a casting director, tries to solve the big mystery of “What Is A Casting Director...
Written for The Networker by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. It is a given if you have a good audition partner that you have a good audition experience and you walk out of the audition feeling like you have a good shot at the call back. Let’s define what a good...
Written for The Networker by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. Living in the age of on-line and self-submissions, self-taping, and massive competition, in the commercial acting world, I am finding talent is not understanding the importance of the relationship between...
Written for The Networker by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. The one thing you should not focus on is booking the job. What you should focus on is being present. If you are not present there are many hidden, not-so-obvious opportunities that will be missed. Many of...
Written for The Networker by Terry Berland @berlandcasting. There are certain things I would never chose to write about because they are trite, and I assume everyone knows the do’s or don’t regarding them. However, recently prepping casting sessions, I started to...