Written for Casting Networks News by Terry Berland @berlandcasting.
Photo credit:
PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / shutterstock.com

I like to compare your career to a long-distance run. It’s about strategy and energy management. Runners choose to sprint or increase their pace temporarily during certain parts of the race. Sometimes some surges are shorter and more controlled. Then there are times when the runner has to maintain momentum going up a hill or during a challenging section of the course.

The start of the new year is one of the periods to envision your year, make plans and set goals. Success depends on strategy and energy management. Just as a runner might strategically increase their pace during certain stretches, there are moments in your career to push harder or maintain momentum through challenges.

January is one of those pivotal times to take action. Hopefully, you had some plans in place that you are already taking action on, like an acting class of some type. With those creative juices flowing assess your path, define your goals and strategize steps you might take to achieve these goals. Here are some ideas that might help motivate you.

Insights: Quick Tips to Set You Up for Success

  • Define and act on specific career goals. Give your goals deadlines.
  • Update your headshots, demo reels, and resume to match current ambitions.
  • Network actively and continuously improve your acting skills.
1. Set Clear, Measurable Goals
  • Identify specific career goals  (book a certain number of auditions, land an agent, join a union, or secure a recurring role).
  • Break down each goal into smaller, actionable steps and set deadlines.
2. Audit Your Materials
  • Update your headshots to reflect your current look and the range of roles you want to play.
  • Refresh your demo reels with recent footage or create new scenes to showcase your versatility.
  • Check to see if your resume is current, accurate, and tailored for the roles you’re pursuing.
3. Review Your Online Presence
  • Update your profiles on casting platforms.
  • Take a look at your social media presence to reflect the brand you want to reflect as an actor.
4. Expand Your Network
  • Reach out to casting directors, agents, or managers you’ve connected with in the past to keep relationships.
  • Research industry mixers, panels, or workshops to build new connections.
5. Improve Your Craft
  • Enroll in acting classes to sharpen your skills or learn new techniques.
  • Research acting venues to expand your range such as improv, voiceover or comedy.
  • Make sure your self-taping skills are up to industry par.
6. Research Opportunities
  • Keep an eye out for videos that reflect trends in the industry to keep up to date.
7. Create a Personal Business Plan
  • Treat your acting career like a business. Map out monthly budgets for headshots, classes, etc.
8. Prioritize Self-Care and Resilience
  • Develop routines to maintain your physical and mental health, such as meditation, exercise or journaling.
  • Build a support system for fellow actors or industry professionals to stay motivated.
9. Create Opportunities for Yourself
  • Collaborate on projects with fellow actors.
10. Track Progress and Adjust
  • Regularly assess your progress and adjust your strategy if needed.
  • Celebrate small wins along the way to keep yourself motivated.

By taking steps such as these you can start the year with clarity, momentum and grace. Expect roadblocks that will cause you to pivot at times; sometimes a pivot is a gift. Stay open and positive.

If you want to sharpen up on your commercial acting technique, follow this link to Terry Berland’s Commercial Acting workshop.